This workflow enables end users to request a remote application for their own use.


  1. Log in to vRealize Automation as an administrator.
  2. Click the Design tab
  3. Select Xaas > XaaS Blueprints and click the New (+) button to add a blueprint for the workflow.
  4. On the Workflow tab on the New Blueprint pane, select Orchestrator > Library > Horizon > Workflows > vCAC.
  5. Select the Self-Service Request Application workflow and click Next.
  6. In the Self-Service Request Application – Edit Blueprint pane, select the Hide catalog request information page check box and click Next.
  7. On the Blueprint Form tab, click Next.
  8. On the Provisioned Resource tab, click Finish.
    The new Self-Service Request Application blueprint appears on the XaaS Blueprints page and has a status of Draft.
  9. Select the row for the Self-Service Request Application blueprint and click the Publish button above the table.


The service blueprint for the Self-Service Request Application workflow is published and appears in the Xaas > Xaas Blueprints table.