Horizon Agent communicates with Connection Server and supports the display protocols PCoIP and Blast Extreme. You must install Horizon Agent on an RDS Host.



  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. To start the Horizon Agent installation program, double-click the installer file.
    The installer filename is VMware-Horizon-Agent-x86-YYMM-y.y.y-xxxxxx.exe, where YYMM is the marketing version number, y.y.y is the internal version number and xxxxxx is the build number.
  3. Select the Internet Protocol (IP) version, IPv4 or IPv6.
    You must install all Horizon 8 components with the same IP version.
  4. Select your custom setup options.
  5. In the Server text box, type the host name or IP address of a Connection Server host.
    Horizon Agent installer prompts this step only if you are installing Horizon Agent on an RDS host that will be in a manual farm. During installation, the installer registers the RDS host with this Connection Server instance. After registration, the specified Connection Server instance and any additional instances in the same Connection Server group can communicate with the RDS host.
  6. Select an authentication method to register the RDS host with the Connection Server instance.
    Option Description
    Authenticate as the currently logged in user The Username and Password text boxes are disabled and you are logged in to the Connection Server instance with your current username and password.
    Specify administrator credentials You must provide the username and password of a Connection Server administrator in the Username and Password text boxes.
    The user account must be a domain user with access to View LDAP on the Connection Server instance. A local user does not work.
  7. Follow the prompts and finish the installation.

What to do next

Create a farm. See Creating Farms in Horizon Console.