You can use the vdmadmin command -H to list the existing health monitors, to monitor instances for VMware Horizon components, and to display the details of a specific health monitor or monitor instance.


vdmadmin -H [-b authentication_arguments] -list -xml [-w | -n]
vdmadmin -H [-b authentication_arguments] -list -monitorid monitor_id -xml [-w | -n]
vdmadmin -H [-b authentication_arguments] -monitorid monitor_id -instanceid instance_id -xml [-w | -n]

Usage Notes

The following table shows the health monitors that VMware Horizon uses to monitor the health of its components.

Table 1. Health Monitors
Monitor Description
CBMonitor Monitors the health of Connection Server instances.
DBMonitor Monitors the health of the events database.
DomainMonitor Monitors the health of the Connection Server host's local domain and all trusted domains.
SGMonitor Monitors the health of security gateway services and security servers.
VCMonitor Monitors the health of vCenter servers.

If a component has several instances, VMware Horizon creates a separate monitor instance to monitor each instance of the component.

The command outputs all information about health monitors and monitor instances in XML format.


The following table shows the options that you can specify to list and display health monitors.

Table 2. Options for Listing and Displaying Health Monitors
Option Description
-instanceid instance_id Specifies a health monitor instance
-list Displays the existing health monitors if a health monitor ID is not specified.
-list -monitorid monitor_id Displays the monitor instances for the specified health monitor ID.
-monitorid monitor_id Specifies a health monitor ID.


List all existing health monitors in XML using Unicode characters.

vdmadmin -H -list -xml

List all instances of the vCenter monitor (VCMonitor) in XML using ASCII characters.

vdmadmin -H -list -monitorid VCMonitor -xml -n

Display the health of a specified vCenter monitor instance.

vdmadmin -H -monitorid VCMonitor -instanceid 4aec2c99-4879-96b2-de408064d035 -xml