You can use the Screen Capture feature to take screenshots of your Windows remote desktop.

When you activate the feature through the GPO setting, a Print Screen icon appears on the title bar of the remote desktop. A message appears warning you that the screen capture feature takes a screenshot of the entire screen image of every connected monitor to the virtual desktop. This feature works independently of the screen capture blocking feature.

The screen capture feature captures screenshots of the following:
  • Multiple monitors display and resolution
  • MMR
  • Microsoft Teams redirection
  • Watermark
The screen capture feature has the following limitations:
  • You must use the latest client version with the latest agent version. Older versions are not compatible.
  • Only Windows client and agent are supported.

Captured images are stored in the user's pictures folder.

Using Group Policy Settings to Configure Screen Capture

Activate the screen capture feature by editing the group policy setting. See VMware View Agent Configuration ADMX Template Settings. Changes take effect at the subsequent login.