Keep in mind the following feature limitations and considerations when working with Linux farms, published desktop pools, and published application pools.

  • Only virtual machines running RHEL Workstation 7.9/8.x/9.x, Ubuntu 20.04/22.04, or Debian 10.x/11.x can support multi-session published desktop pools and single-session or multi-session application pools.
  • Published applications support vGPU capabilities with the following restrictions.
    • You must deploy the Horizon 8 components in a VMware virtualized environment running vSphere 7 U3 or later.
    • When using vSphere Client to configure vGPU settings for the Linux desktop VM, you must select the profile that assigns the full memory of the physical GPU to the VM. This means selecting the highest available vGPU profile from the list of options. See Configure a Shared PCI Device for vGPU on the Linux Virtual Machine.
  • Published desktops and applications are not supported on the KDE desktop environment.
  • All the host machines in a farm must be running the same operating system. For example, you can create a farm consisting of all Linux hosts or Windows hosts, but you cannot create a farm consisting of a mix of Linux and Windows hosts.
  • All the Linux host machines in a farm must be running the same Linux distribution. For example, you can create a farm containing all RHEL Workstation 9.0 hosts or all Ubuntu 22.04 hosts, but you cannot create a farm containing a mix of RHEL Workstation 9.0 and Ubuntu 22.04 hosts.
  • Published desktops do not support the following features:
    • USB redirection
    • Smart card redirection
  • True SSO is supported on multi-session published desktops and applications based on the following types of farms.
    • Manual and automated instant-clone farms of Ubuntu 20.04/22.04, Debian 10.x, or RHEL Workstation 7.9 host machines that have been integrated with Active Directory using the Samba domain-join method.
    • Manual and automated instant-clone farms of RHEL Workstation 8.x/9.x or Debian 11.x host machines that have been integrated with Active Directory using the System Security Services Daemon (SSSD) domain-join method.
  • Each published desktop or published application can support up to 50 user sessions, if the host Linux virtual machine meets the minimum vCPU and vMemory requirements. For more information, see Create a Virtual Machine and Install Linux.
  • To make it faster for users to start a remote session, Horizon Agent can pre-launch a specified number of sessions per host machine. You can specify the number of pre-launched sessions by using the MaxSessionsBuffer configuration option in /etc/vmware/viewagent-custom.conf. See Setting Options in Configuration Files on a Linux Desktop.
  • When running a Linux published application from Horizon Client for Windows, users can improve the application performance by setting the preference to hide window contents while dragging. For example, navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced system settings > Advanced > Settings and deselect Show window contents while dragging.
  • When logging in to a desktop to connect to a published application, users must enable Classic (X11 display server). Otherwise, the application window is displayed incorrectly, such as without minimize and maximize buttons.
  • When connecting to a Linux published application from a client system using a multiple-monitor configuration, verify that all monitors have the identical scale setting. Otherwise, the application window cannot be moved between monitor screens.
  • Linux published applications do not support enabling the Multi-Session Mode setting in the configuration wizard for application pools. When you create a Linux application pool, you can only configure it in single-session mode. For example, if a user opens a published application on client A and then opens the same published application or another published application based on the same farm on client B, then the session on client A is disconnected and reconnected on client B.
  • Horizon Agent for Linux does not support session stealing between published desktops and published applications.

    For example, if a user has opened a published desktop session and then attempts to open an application session based on the same farm, the desktop session remains active and the application session is not established. Likewise, if the user has opened an application session and then attempts to open a published desktop session based on the same farm, the application session remains active and the desktop session is not established.