In Horizon Console, you can reset the perpetual or term license usage data and start over with the current data. You can also reset usage data for SaaS subscription licenses, but keep in mind that Horizon Control Plane tracks license usage differently that isn't affected by any reset done on the Horizon Control Plane.

An administrator with the Manage Global Configuration and Policies privilege can select the Reset Highest Count and Reset Named Users Count settings. To restrict access to these settings, give this privilege to designated administrators only.

This feature useful for customers who need to track their licensing usage over a period of time and report the maximum usage. For example, if you are reporting maximum concurrent license usage per month, then you can Reset Highest Count on first day of the month, wait 30 days, report the highest count from the console and Reset Highest Count to start the cycle again.


  1. In Horizon Console, select Settings > Product Licensing and Usage.
  2. (Optional) In the Usage pane, select Reset Highest Count.
    The highest historical number of concurrent connections is reset to the current number.
  3. (Optional) In the Usage pane, select Reset Named Users Count.