You can configure Logon Monitor settings using Windows Registry values.

Registry Settings

To change the configuration settings, navigate to the registry key HKLM\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware Logon Monitor.

Table 1. Logon Monitor Configuration Values
Registry Key Type Description
RemoteLogPath REG_SZ Path to remote share to upload logs. When logs are copied to remote log share they are placed in folders specified by the RemoteLogPath registry key. Example: \\server\share\%username%.%userdomain%. Logon Monitor creates the folders as needed. Disabled by default.
  • UNC Path to remote log FOLDER
  • Optional; if not configured, log is not uploaded.
  • Optional local environment variables supported.
Flags REG_DWORD This value is a bitmask to influence the behavior of the logon monitor.
  • The value to set or remove to enable or disable CPU and memory metrics is 0x4. Disabled by default.
  • The value to set or remove to enable process events and logon script metrics is 0x8. Disabled by default.
  • The value to set to enable or disable integration with VMware Horizon is 0x2. Enabled by default.
  • The value to set to disable crash dumps is 0x1. Dumps are written to C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Logon Monitor\Data. Disabled by default.
  • The value to set to create folders per user in remote path is 0x10. Disabled by default.
LogMaxSizeMB REG_DWORD Maximum size of the main log in MB. Default is 100 MB.
LogKeepDays REG_DWORD Maximum number of days to keep the main log before rolling it. Default is 7 days.

Timing Profiler Settings

Logon Monitor integrates with Horizon Help Desk timing profiler. The timing profiler is off by default.
  • To enable Logon Monitor to use the timing profiler to write events to the event database, run vdmadmin -I -timingProfiler -enable.
  • To disable Logon Monitor to use the timing profiler, run vdmadmin -I -timingProfiler -disable.