You can use the vdmadmin command with the -O and -P options to display the virtual machines and policies that are assigned to users who are no longer entitled to use the system.


vdmadmin -O [-b authentication_arguments] [-ld | -lu] [-w | -n] [-xml [-noxslt | -xsltpath path]]
vdmadmin -P [-b authentication_arguments] [-ld | -lu] [-w | -n] [-xml [-noxslt | -xsltpath path]]

Usage Notes

If you revoke a user's entitlement to a persistent virtual machine or to a physical system, the associated remote desktop assignment is not automatically revoked. This condition might be acceptable if you have temporarily suspended a user’s account or if the user is on a sabbatical. When you reenable entitlement, the user can continue using the same virtual machine as previously. If a user has left the organization, other users cannot access the virtual machine, and it is considered to be orphaned. You might also want to examine any policies that are assigned to unentitled users.


The following table shows the options that you can specify to display the virtual machines and policies of unentitled users.

Table 1. Options for Displaying the Machines and Policies of Unentitled Users
Option Description
-ld Orders output entries by machine.
-lu Orders output entries by user.
-noxslt Specifies that the default stylesheet should not be applied to the XML output.
-xsltpath path Specifies the path to the stylesheet that is used to transform XML output.

XSL Stylesheets shows the stylesheets that you can apply to the XML output to transform it into HTML. The stylesheets are located in the directory C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\server\etc.

Table 2. XSL Stylesheets
Stylesheet File Name Description
unentitled-machines.xsl Transforms reports containing a list of unentitled virtual machines, grouped either by user or system, and which are currently assigned to a user. This is the default stylesheet.
unentitled-policies.xsl Transforms reports containing a list of virtual machines with user-level policies that are applied to unentitled users.


Display the virtual machines that are assigned to unentitled users, grouped by virtual machine in text format.

vdmadmin -O -ld

Display virtual machines that are assigned to unentitled users, grouped by user, in XML format using ASCII characters.

vdmadmin -O -lu -xml -n

Apply your own stylesheet C:\tmp\unentitled-users.xsl and redirect the output to the file uu-output.html.

vdmadmin -O -lu -xml -xsltpath "C:\tmp\unentitled-users.xsl" > uu-output.html

Display the user policies that are associated with unentitled users’ virtual machines, grouped by desktop, in XML format using Unicode characters.

vdmadmin -P -ld -xml -w

Apply your own stylesheet C:\tmp\unentitled-policies.xsl and redirect the output to the file up-output.html.

vdmadmin -P -ld -xml -xsltpath "C:\tmp\unentitled-policies.xsl" > up-output.html