To create a home site for a user, use the lmvutil command with the --createUserHomeSite option. To create a home site for a group, use the lmvutil command with the --createGroupHomeSite option. You can also use these options to associate a home site with a global desktop entitlement or global application entitlement.


lmvutil --createUserHomeSite --userName domain\username --siteName name [--entitlementName name]
lmvutil --createGroupHomeSite --groupName domain\groupname --siteName name [--entitlementName name]

Usage Notes

You must create a site before you can configure it as a home site. See Creating Cloud Pod Architecture Sites with the lmvutil Command.

These commands return an error message if the Cloud Pod Architecture feature is not initialized, the specified user or group does not exist, the specified site does not exist, the specified entitlement does not exist, or the commands cannot create the home site.


You can specify these options when you create a home site for a user or group.

Table 1. Options for Creating a Home Site for a User or Group
Option Description
--userName Name of a user to associate with the home site. Use the format domain\username.
--groupName Name of a group to associate with the home site. Use the format domain\groupname.
--siteName Name of the site to associate with the user or group as the home site.
--entitlementName (Optional) Name of a global desktop entitlement or global application entitlement to associate with the home site. When a user selects the specified global entitlement, the home site overrides the user's own home site. If you do not specify this option, the command creates a global user or group home site.


lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*" --createUserHomeSite --userName domainEast\adminEast --siteName "Eastern Region" --entitlementName "Agent Sales"
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*" 
--createGroupHomeSite --groupName domainEast\adminEastGroup --siteName "Eastern Region" 
--entitlementName "Agent Sales"