Use this worksheet to prepare your configuration options before you create the global entitlement in Horizon Console.

You can print this worksheet and write down the values to specify when you add a global entitlement.

Table 1. Worksheet: Options for Configuring a Global Entitlement
Option Description Fill In Your Value Here
Name Unique name that identifies the global entitlement in Horizon Console.

The name can contain between 1 and 64 characters.

Display Name (Optional) Display name of the global entitlement. The display name appears to users in the list of available desktops and applications in Horizon Client.

The display name does not need to be unique. Multiple global entitlements can have the same display name. If you do not specify a display name, the unique name appears to users in Horizon Client.

The display name can contain between 1 and 64 characters.

Federation Access Group Associates the global entitlement and its sessions with a federation access group. Federation access groups enable you to delegate the administration of specific global entitlements and global sessions to different administrators.

The default setting is the root federation access group.

For more information, see Setting Up Federation Access Groups in Horizon Console.

Description (Optional) Description of the global entitlement.

The description can contain between 1 and 1024 characters.

Connection Server Restrictions (Optional) Associates Connection Server tags with the global entitlement to restrict access to the global entitlement from specific Connection Server instances.
Note: You can select only tags that are assigned to Connection Server instances in the local pod. To select tags assigned to Connection Server instances in another pod, you must log in to a Connection Server instance in the other pod and modify the global entitlement.

For more information, see How to Specify Connection Server Restrictions for Global Entitlements in Horizon 8.

Category Folder (Optional) Creates a shortcut for the global entitlement. You can select an existing category folder, or create a category folder. You can configure up to four subfolders. You can configure a Windows Start menu shortcut, a desktop shortcut, or both.

A folder name can be up to 64 characters long. To specify a subfolder, enter a backslash (\) character, for example, dir1\dir2\dir3\dir4. You can enter up to four folder levels. You cannot begin or end a folder name with a backslash, and you cannot combine two or more backslashes. For example, \dir1, dir1\dir2\, dir1\\dir2, and dir1\\\dir2 are invalid. You cannot enter Windows reserved keywords.

For more information, see Configuring Shortcuts for Global Entitlements in Horizon 8.

Backup Global Entitlement (Only available when you edit a global entitlement) A backup global entitlement delivers remote desktops or published applications when the primary global entitlement cannot start a session. For requirements and restrictions, see Implementing Backup Global Entitlements in Horizon 8.
User Assignment (Global desktop entitlement only) Specifies the type of desktop pool that the global entitlement can contain. You can configure one of the following user assignment policies:
  • Floating - the global entitlement contains only floating desktop pools.
  • Dedicated - the global entitlement contains only dedicated desktop pools.
Scope Specifies where to look for desktops or applications to satisfy a request from the global entitlement. You can configure one of the following scope policies:
  • All Sites - look for desktops or applications on any pod in the pod federation.
  • Within Site - look for desktops or applications only on pods in the same site as the pod to which the user is connected.
  • Within Pod - look for desktops or applications only in the pod to which the user is connected.

For more information, see Understanding the Scope Policy in Global Entitlements.

Use Home Site and Entitled user must have Home Site (Optional) If users have home sites, configures a home site policy for the global entitlement. You can configure the following home site policies:
  • Use Home Site - begin searching for desktops or applications in the user's home site. If the user does not have a home site and the Entitled user must have Home Site option is not selected, the site to which the user is connected is assumed to be the home site.
  • Entitled user must have Home Site - make the global entitlement available only if the user has a home site. This option is available only when the Use Home Site option is selected.

For more information, see Home Sites and Cloud Pod Architecture in Horizon 8.

Automatically Clean Up Redundant Sessions (Optional) Specifies whether to clean up redundant sessions.

Multiple sessions can occur when a pod that contains a session goes offline, the user logs in again and starts another session, and the problem pod comes back online with the original session. When multiple sessions occur, Horizon Client prompts the user to select a session. This option determines what happens to sessions that the user does not select. If you do not select this option, users must manually end their own extra sessions, either by logging off in Horizon Client or by launching the sessions and logging them off.

Default Display Protocol Specifies the default display protocol for desktops or applications in the global entitlement. You can configure PCoIP or VMware Blast.
Allow Users to Choose Protocol When you enable this policy, users can override the default display protocol.
Session Load Distribution Specifies the type of session distribution policy to be used for evenly distributing CPA sessions across pods/sites based on the global desktop entitlement or global application entitlement scope. See Understanding Session Load Distribution Policy for details on the policy options and resulting behavior.
Allow Users to Restart Machines (Global desktop entitlement only) When you enable this policy, users can reset and restart desktops in the global desktop entitlement.
Pre-launch (Global application entitlement only) When you enable this policy, users can start the global application entitlement more quickly.
Note: If you enable this policy, all the application pools in the global application entitlement must also support the session pre-launch feature, and the pre-launch session timeout must be the same for all farms.
Enable application launch limit You can limit the number of application instances a user can launch from an application pool to just one instance. An attempt to re-launch the application will bring the first instance to focus. If you enable this setting, multi-session mode is not available.
Allow Session Collaboration When you enable this policy, users can invite other users to join their remote desktop sessions.
Note: If you enable this policy, all the desktop pools in the global desktop entitlement must also support the Session Collaboration feature. For RDS desktop pools, the Session Collaboration feature is activated at the farm level.

For more information, see Enabling Session Collaboration for Global Desktop Entitlements in Horizon 8.

Allow user to initiate separate sessions from different client devices (Global desktop entitlement only) When you enable this policy, users that connect to the global entitlement from different client devices receive different desktop sessions. To reconnect to an existing desktop session, users must use the same device from which that session was initiated. If you do not enable this policy, users are always reconnected to their existing desktop sessions, regardless of the client device that they use. You can enable this policy only for floating desktop entitlements.
Note: If you enable this policy, all the desktop pools in the global entitlement must also support multiple sessions per user.

For more information, see Understanding the Multiple Sessions Per User Policy for Global Desktop Entitlements.

Client Restrictions When you enable this policy, access to the global entitlement is restricted to specific client computers. You can enable this policy only for floating desktop entitlements and global application entitlements.

You must add the names of the computers that are allowed to access the global entitlement in an Active Directory security group. You can select this security group when you add users or groups to the global entitlement.

For more information, see Implementing Client Restrictions for Global Entitlements in Horizon 8.

Multi-Session Mode (Global application entitlement only) Use this policy to configure the multi-session mode feature for a global application entitlement. Valid values are as follows.
  • Disabled - Multi-session mode is not supported.
    Note: Multi-session mode is not available if you select Enable application launch limit.
  • Enabled (Default Off) - Multi-session mode is supported, but it is deactivated by default. To use multi-session mode, users must enable the Multi-Launch setting in Horizon Client 4.10 or later. For users that have an earlier version of Horizon Client, the application is always started in single-session mode.
  • Enabled (Default On) - Multi-session mode is supported, and it is activated by default. Users can deactivate multi-session mode by deactivating the Multi-Launch setting in Horizon Client 4.10 or later. For users that have an earlier version of Horizon Client, the application is always started in single-session mode.
  • Enabled (Enforced) - Multi-session mode is supported, and the application is always started in multi-session mode. Users cannot deactivate multi-session mode by deactivating the Multi-Launch setting in Horizon Client 4.10 or later. Users that have an earlier version of Horizon Client receive an error message that states that the requested start mode is not supported.

For more information, see Activating Multi-Session Mode for Global Application Entitlements in Horizon 8.

Show Assigned Machine Name (Global desktop entitlement only) Displays the host name of the assigned machine instead of the global entitlement name in Horizon Client.

If no machine is assigned to the user, "Entitlement name (No Machine Assigned)" appears for the global entitlement in Horizon Client.

Note: If the pod that contains the machine is unavailable or does not reply in time, Connection Server cannot get the assigned machine name. In such cases, "Entitlement name (Unable to get machine name)" appears instead of the global entitlement name in Horizon Client.

This option is available only if you select Dedicated in User assignment.

Show Machine Alias Name (Global desktop entitlement only) Displays the alias name of the assigned machine instead of the global entitlement name in Horizon Client.

If no machine alias name is set, the host name of the assigned machine appears in Horizon Client.

This option is available only if you select Dedicated in User assignment.