You can use the vdmadmin command with the -N option to control the domains that VMware Horizon makes available to end users.


vdmadmin -N [-b authentication_arguments] -domains {-exclude | -include | -search} -domain domain -add [-s connsvr]
vdmadmin -N [-b authentication_arguments] -domains -list [-w | -n] [-xml]
vdmadmin -N [-b authentication_arguments] -domains -list -active [-w | -n] [-xml]
vdmadmin -N [-b authentication_arguments] -domains {-exclude | -include | -search} -domain domain -remove [-s connsvr]
vdmadmin -N [-b authentication_arguments] -domains {-exclude | -include | -search} -removeall [-s connsvr]

Usage Notes

Specify one of the -exclude, -include, or -search options to apply an operation to the exclusion list, inclusion list, or search exclusion list respectively.

If you add a domain to a search exclusion list, the domain is excluded from an automated domain search.

If you add a domain to an inclusion list, the domain is included in the results of the search.

If you add a domain to an exclusion list, the domain is excluded from the results of the search.


VMware Horizon The following table shows the options that you can specify to configure domain filters.

Table 1. Options for Configuring Domain Filters
Option Description
-add Adds a domain to a list.
-domain domain Specifies the domain to be filtered.

You must specify domains by their NetBIOS names and not by their DNS names.

-domains Specifies a domain filter operation.
-exclude Specifies an operation on a exclusion list.
-include Specifies an operation on an inclusion list.
-list Displays the domains that are configured in the search exclusion list, exclusion list, and inclusion list on each Connection Server instance and for the Connection Server group.
-list -active Displays the available domains for the Connection Server instance on which you run the command.
-remove Removes a domain from a list.
-removeall Removes all domains from a list.
-s connsvr Specifies that the operation applies to the domain filters on a Connection Server instance. You can specify the Connection Server instance by its name or IP address.

If you do not specify this option, any change that you make to the search configuration applies to all Connection Server instances in the group.

-search Specifies an operation on a search exclusion list.


Add the domain FARDOM to the search exclusion list for the Connection Server instance csvr1.

vdmadmin -N -domains -search -domain FARDOM -add -s csvr1

Add the domain NEARDOM to the exclusion list for a Connection Server group.

vdmadmin -N -domains -exclude -domain NEARDOM -add

Display the domain search configuration on both Connection Server instances in the group, and for the group.

C:\ vdmadmin -N -domains -list

Domain Configuration
Cluster Settings
   Search :

Broker Settings: CONSVR-1
   Search :

Broker Settings: CONSVR-2
   Search :

limits the domain search on each Connection Server host in the group to exclude the domains FARDOM and DEPTX. The characters (*) next to the exclusion list for CONSVR-1 indicates that VMware Horizon excludes the YOURDOM domain from the results of the domain search on CONSVR-1.

Display the domain filters in XML using ASCII characters.

vdmadmin -N -domains -list -xml -n

Display the domains that are available to VMware Horizon on the local Connection Server instance.

C:\ vdmadmin -N -domains -list -active

Domain Information (CONSVR)
Primary Domain: MYDOM

Domain: MYDOM
Domain: FARDOM
Domain: DEPTX
Domain: DEPTY
Domain: DEPTZ

Display the available domains in XML using ASCII characters.

vdmadmin -N -domains -list -active -xml -n

Remove the domain NEARDOM from the exclusion list for a Connection Server group.

vdmadmin -N -domains -exclude -domain NEARDOM -remove

Remove all domains from the inclusion list for the Connection Server instance csvr1.

vdmadmin -N -domains -include -removeall -s csvr1