When you detach a persistent disk, the Windows-based instant clone is deleted. You can give the original user access to the detached user settings and information by recreating the instant clone virtual machine from the detached disk.

Note: If you recreate an instant clone virtual machine in a desktop pool that has reached its maximum size, the recreated virtual machine is still added to the desktop pool. The desktop pool size grows and then reduces as unassigned machines are deleted.

Horizon 8 does not support recreating a virtual machine with a persistent disk that is stored on a non-vSAN datastore if the new virtual machine is stored on a vSAN datastore. Similarly, if the persistent disk is stored on vSAN, Horizon 8 does not support recreating a virtual machine on non-vSAN.

To move a detached persistent disk from non-vSAN to vSAN, you can recreate the disk on a virtual machine that is stored on a non-vSAN datastore and rebalance the virtual machine's desktop pool to a vSAN datastore.


  1. In Horizon Console, select Inventory > Persistent Disks.
  2. On the Detached tab, select the persistent disk, and click Recreate Machine.
    You can select multiple persistent disks to recreate an instant clone virtual machine for each disk.
  3. Click OK.


Horizon 8 creates an instant clone virtual machine for each persistent disk you select and adds the virtual machine to the original desktop pool.

The persistent disks remain on the datastore where they were stored.