The Horizon Agent for Windows installer allows you to modify already installed components without needing to uninstall and reinstall Horizon Agent.

You can run the Horizon Agent installer on a virtual machine where Horizon Agent is already installed to modify, repair, or remove previously installed components. You can also change custom setup options silently using the command line.
Note: You cannot switch between installation types, such as managed to unmanaged machines. You also cannot modify Instant Clone Agent (NGVC).


  1. To start the Horizon Agent installation program, double-click the installer file. The installer filename is VMware-Horizon-Agent-x86-YYMM-y.y.y-xxxxxx.exe, where YYMM is the marketing version number, y.y.y is the internal version number, and xxxxxx is the build number.
    You can also use the Uninstall or change a program in the Control Panel: Click VMware Horizon Agent, then click Change.
  2. Select Modify from these three options:
    • Modify: add or remove the components that are installed.
    • Repair: fix missing or corrupt files, shortcuts, and registry entries.
    • Remove: remove Horizon Agent from the computer.
  3. Select or deselect features to add or remove them from the list.
  4. Follow the prompts to finish the installation.
  5. Restart the system for the changes to take effect.

What to do next

You can confirm the components that were removed (Absent) or added (Local) in the registry located at Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\Installer\Features_HorizonAgent.