The Citrix Web Interface SDK is used to authenticate with and generate the ICA file from the Citrix Delivery Controllers or XML Brokers to launch Citrix-published applications and desktops.

Note: If you plan to use the Citrix StoreFront REST API to communicate with the Citrix farm to generate the ICA file, you do not need to install the Citrix Web Interface SDK.


  1. Download the Citrix Web Interface SDK 5.4 (WISDK zip file) from the Citrix Web site.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Copy the contents from the WI5_4_0_SDK/zipfiles/sdkdemo/wisdk directory to the Integration Broker default bin directory at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IB\bin.
  4. Restart IIS.
    1. Open the Command Prompt window as administrator.
    2. Type iisreset.