Before you upgrade the VMware Identity Manager virtual appliance offline, perform these prerequisite tasks.

  • Verify that at least 4 GB of disk space is available on the primary root partition of the virtual appliance.
  • Take a snapshot of your virtual appliance to back it up. For information about how to take snapshots, see the vSphere documentation.
  • If you revoked the db_owner role on the Microsoft SQL database, you must add it back before performing the upgrade, otherwise upgrade will fail.

    Add the db_owner role to the same user that was used during installation:

    1. Log in to the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio as a user with sysadmin privileges.
    2. Connect to the database instance for VMware Identity Manager.
    3. Enter the following commands.

      If you are using Windows Authentication mode, use the following commands:

      USE <saasdb>;
      ALTER ROLE db_owner ADD MEMBER <domain\username>; GO 

      Make sure that you replace <saasdb> with your database name and <domain\username> with the relevant domain and username.

      If you are using SQL Server Authentication mode, use the following commands:
      USE <saasdb>;
      ALTER ROLE db_owner ADD MEMBER <loginusername>; GO 

      Make sure that you replace <saasdb> with your database name and <loginusername> with the relevant username.

  • Take a snapshot or backup of the external database.
  • Verify that VMware Identity Manager is properly configured.
  • Confirm that a VMware Identity Manager upgrade exists. Check the My VMware site at for upgrades.
  • If you are upgrading using the updateoffline.hzn script and your deployment includes a proxy server, disable the proxy server.
    Disable the proxy server from the command line.
    1. Run the following command.

      The YaST2 Control Center dialog box opens.

    2. Select Network services.
    3. Select Proxy.

      The Proxy Configuration dialog box opens.

    4. If selected, deselect Enable proxy.
    5. Quit the YaST2 utility.

    After a successful upgrade, enable the proxy server again.