Starting with VMware Integrated OpenStack 3.1, you can change the default adapter type for newly created volumes by changing vmware_adapter_type parameter using a custom.yml file.

About this task

By default, empty volumes are always created and attached to a lsiLogic controller. When a volume is created from image, Cinder respects the vmware_adaptertype property of the image and creates the corresponding controller. For newly created volumes you set the adapter type by using the cinder_volume_default_adapter_type parameter in the custom.yml file with one of the following values.




Sets the default adapter type to LSI Logic


Sets the default adapter type to Bus Logic


Sets the default adapter type to LSI Logic SAS


Sets the default adapter type to VMware Paravirtual SCSI


Sets the default adapter type to IDE


  1. Implement the custom.yml file.
    sudo mkdir -p /opt/vmware/vio/custom
    sudo cp /var/lib/vio/ansible/custom/custom.yml.sample /opt/vmware/vio/custom/custom.yml
  2. Open the /opt/vmware/vio/custom/custom.yml file in a text editor.
    1. Uncomment the cinder_volume_default_adapter_type parameter.
    2. Change the setting with a custom value, for example lsiLogicsas.
      # cinder-volume options
      # Default volume adapter type; valid values are 'lsiLogic',
      # 'busLogic', 'lsiLogicsas', 'paraVirtual' and 'ide'. (string value)
      #cinder_volume_default_adapter_type: 'lsiLogicsas'
  3. Save the custom.yml file.
  4. Push the new configuration to your VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment.
    viocli deployment configure

    Pushing the configuration briefly interrupts OpenStack services.