You can modify the metadata of a source image to automatically place instances into VM groups. VM groups are configured in the vSphere Web Client and can be further used to apply DRS rules.



  1. Log in to the VMware Integrated OpenStack dashboard as a cloud administrator.
  2. Select the admin project from the drop-down menu in the title bar.
  3. Select Admin > System > Images.
  4. Click the image to modify.
  5. In the Actions column of the image listing, click the down arrow and select Update Metadata.
  6. Add the DRS VM group metadata property to the image metadata.

    The Update Metadata dialog box displays two columns. The column on the right displays metadata tags already applied to the image, and the one on the left displays available metadata tags, which are grouped by categories, such as Guest Customization, Instance Config Data, and so on.

    1. In the Available Metadata column, select the VMware Driver Options > DRS VM group property.
    2. Click the plus sign (+) to add the property to the image metadata.

      The vmware_vm_group metadata property is highlighted in the Existing Metadata column.

    3. For the metadata value, enter DRS VM group name as defined in the vSphere Web Client.
    4. To remove a metadata tag from the image definition, click the minus sign (-).
  7. Click Save.


All instances generated from this source image are automatically assigned to the specified VM group in the VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment in vCenter.