You can design blueprints that create or delete subnets.


  • Verify that you have service architect user privileges to access the plug-in.

  • Verify that the OpenStack Keystone service is connected to an Active Directory server for automatic synchronization. This configuration automatically synchronizes user accounts in Keystone


  1. Log in to the vRealize Automation tenant as a service architect.
  2. Select Design > XaaS > XaaS Blueprints.
  3. Click New.
  4. Select the workflow Orchestrator > Library > VMware Integrated OpenStack > create a subnet or delete a subnet, and click Next.

    The blueprint form appears.

  5. Complete the text boxes in the blueprint form.

    You must enter custom labels for all parameters. Parameters listed below are specific for this blueprint. Keystone URL, Project name, Keystone domain name, User name, and Password parameters are mandatory for all blueprints. For the delete blueprint you only need the first parameter from the table and the mandatory ones.


    Description of Value

    Visibility to Users

    Subnet name

    Name for the subnet


    Network name

    Name of the network that the subnet is created under.



    IP address range in CIDR format.



    True or false according to your needs.


    IP start

    IP address starting allocation.


    IP end

    IP address ending allocation.


    Gateway IP

    IP address of the gateway.


  6. Click Finish.

    The newly created blueprint appears in the list of XaaS blueprints.

  7. To publish the blueprint, select it from the list and click Publish.

    A blueprint becomes available for consumption only after you publish it.