It is a best practice to configure a backup service for the Block Storage (Cinder) component of OpenStack to prevent loss of data. You can configure Cinder to back up volumes to either a network file system (NFS) or an Object Storage (Swift) service, which is another OpenStack service.

About this task

You configure a backup service by installing OpenStack Debian packages that are included in your VMware Integrated OpenStack 4.0 deployment.

For the purposes of this procedure, the two controllers are referred to as controller01 and controller02.


Verify that your VMware Integrated OpenStack 4.0 deployment is installed and running.

For Swift service backup configurations:

  • Verify that the Swift component is installed as part of your VMware Integrated OpenStack 4.0 deployment. See the VMware Integrated OpenStack Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • Verify that the Swift component is registered to the Identity Service component (Keystone), which is another OpenStack service. This registration is part of the default Keystone configuration. Keystone is installed as part of your VMware Integrated OpenStack 4.0 deployment.

For NFS share backup configurations:

  • Create a dedicated NFS share folder to store the backed-up data.

  • Verify that the owner of the NFS share folder has the same UID as Cinder on the controller nodes. The default Cinder UID is 107. This value might be different in your deployment.


  1. Using SSH, log in to the VMware Integrated OpenStack manager.
  2. Implement the custom.yml file.
    sudo mkdir -p /opt/vmware/vio/custom
    sudo cp /var/lib/vio/ansible/custom/custom.yml.sample /opt/vmware/vio/custom/custom.yml
  3. To use Swift as a backup service, edit the /opt/vmware/vio/custom/custom.yml file.
    1. Uncomment the cinder_backup_driver parameter.
    2. Set the cinder_backup_driver parameter to cinder.backup.drivers.swift.
      # Driver to use for backups. (string value)
       cinder_backup_driver: cinder.backup.drivers.swift
  4. To use NFS as a backup service, edit the /opt/vmware/vio/custom/custom.yml file.
    1. Uncomment the cinder_backup_driver parameter.
    2. Set the cinder_backup_driver parameter to cinder.backup.drivers.nfs.
      # Driver to use for backups. (string value)
       cinder_backup_driver: cinder.backup.drivers.nfs
    3. Uncomment the cinder_backup_share parameter.
    4. Set the cinder_backup_share parameter to <NFS host IP address>:<file backup path>.
      # NFS share in fqdn:path, ipv4addr:path, or "[ipv6addr]:path"
       # format. (string value)
       cinder_backup_share: <NFS host IP address>:<file backup path>
    5. If your NFS share is not version 4.1, you must uncomment the cinder_backup_mount_options parameter and set it to your version of NFS. For example,vers=3.
       # Mount options passed to the NFS client. See NFS man page for
       # details. (string value) 'vers=4' to support version NFS 4
       cinder_backup_mount_options: vers=4
  5. Save the custom.yml file.
  6. Push the new configuration to your VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment.
    viocli deployment -v configure --limit controller

    This command updates your entire deployment and might briefly interrupt operations.

What to do next

Verify that the Cinder backup configuration functions properly. See Verify That the Cinder Backup Service is Running and Operational