Configure the VMware Integrated OpenStack profiling feature by modifying the custom.yml file.

About this task

VMware Integrated OpenStack provides two options for configuring profiler. You can use it either with the Ceilometer OpenStack service or with vRealize Log Insight to store profiler trace data.


  • To use vRealize Log Insight to store profiler trace data, verify that your instance is fully operational, version 3.3 or later, and that you can authenticate with a user with the USER role assigned.

  • To use Ceilometer OpenStack service to store profiler trace data, verify that the service is running.


  1. Modify the custom.yml file to enable tracing.
    1. If you have not already done so, implement the custom.yml file.
      sudo mkdir -p /opt/vmware/vio/custom
      sudo cp /var/lib/vio/ansible/custom/custom.yml.sample /opt/vmware/vio/custom/custom.yml
    2. Edit the custom.yml file by uncommenting and modifying parameters.
      • If you use Ceilometer OpenStack uncomment and modify the following parameters.

      os_profiler_enabled: True
      os_profiler_hmac_keys: SECRET_KEY
      • If you use vRealize Log Insight, uncomment and modify the following parameters.

      os_profiler_enabled: True
      os_profiler_hmac_keys: SECRET_KEY
      os_profiler_connection_string: "loginsight://loginsight_username:password@loginsight_ip_address"




      Accept the default value.

      When set to True, the OpenStack profiling feature is enabled.


      Specify the security key.

      This key must be provided each time an administrator runs a trace.


      Specify the authentication for the vRealize Log Insight server. Include user name, password and address of the instance.

  2. Push the new configuration to your VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment.
    viocli deployment configure

    Pushing the configuration briefly interrupts OpenStack services.

  3. If you use vRealize Log Insight to store profiler trace data, set environment variable OSPROFILER_CONNECTION_STRING so that you don't enter connection string each time you run commands with profiling enabled.

    You must set the variable on all VMware Integrated OpenStack controllers that you want to run commands from.

    export OSPROFILER_CONNECTION_STRING="loginsight://loginsight_username:password@loginsight_ip_address"


You can now use the profiling feature.