Starting with VMware Integrated OpenStack 4.0, you can deploy VMs from images that can later be resized with no need to power them off. You can change memory, vCPU, and root disk sizes.

About this task

The live-resize functionality uses the os_live_resize property for images that is not available in previous versions of VMware Integrated OpenStack, so that you must add it to your existing images to be able to resize new VMs without powering them off. The value of os_live_resize can be memory, disk, and vcpu, or any combination separated by commas. For example os_live_resize=disk,memory,vcpu.


To be able to deploy VMs that are capable of live-resizing, the following requirements for the image must be met.

  • Create the VM image in VMware Integrated OpenStack 4.0 or later, so that the os_live_resize property is available.

  • To be able to resize disks, deploy the VMs as full clones not linked clones and use SCSI virtual disk adapter types. IDE adapter type is not supported.


  1. Log in to the OpenStack management cluster.
  2. Create new image that uses a Virtual Machine Disk.

    openstack image create --container-format bare --disk-format vmdk \

  3. Configure a SCSI virtual disk for the vmware_adaptertype property.

    --property vmware_adaptertype="lsiLogicsas" --property vmware_disktype="sparse" \

  4. Configure the VMs to deploy from the image to be full clones and not linked ones.

    --property vmware_ostype="otherGuest64" --property img_linked_clone=False \

  5. Configure the VM settings to be available for live-resize through the os_live_resize property.

    --property os_live_resize=vcpu,memory,disk --file cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk.vmdk --public cirros


You created a new image for VMs that can be resized with no need to power them off.