You can increase the number of datastores available to the Compute node in your VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment.

About this task

Adding a datastore to the Compute node causes the Nova service to restart, which might cause a temporary disruption to the OpenStack services in general.


Verify that you have datastores available. See the vSphere Web Client documentation.


  1. In vCenter Server, select Home > VMware Integrated OpenStack > Manage.
  2. Click the Nova Storage tab.

    This tab displays the datastores that are currently available, their status, and other details.

  3. Click the green plus-sign icon (+) at the top of the panel.
  4. On the Select a Nova node page of the Add Nova Datastores dialog box, select the cluster to which you want to add a datastore, and click Next.
  5. On the Add Nova datastore page, select one or more datastores to add to the cluster, and click Next.
  6. Review the proposed configuration, and click Finish.


The storage capacity for the selected Compute node increases accordingly with the size of the additional datastore.