Use the deployment wizard to add an SDDC cloud provider.


Verify that you have the data for provider configuration. See Input Parameters for an SDDC Provider.


  1. Login to VMware Integrated OpenStack with Kubernetes.
  2. On the Cloud Providers home page, click Deploy a New Provider.
  3. On the Intro page, click Next.
    Alternatively, you can click Choose File to upload a JSON file containing provider information. The information automatically populates fields in the subsequent wizard screens.
  4. Specify the provider name and select the SDDC provider type. Click Next.
  5. Specify the vSphere vCenter hostname, username, and password. Leave the Ignore the vCenter Server certificate validation option checked. Click Next.
  6. With the vSphere vCenter information provided, VMware Integrated OpenStack with Kubernetes displays a list of available vSphere clusters. Select a cluster and click Next.
  7. Select at least one vSphere datastore and click Next.
  8. Configure networking.
    Select VDS, NSX-V, or NSX-T networking and select the network.
  9. Configure the management network.
    • Select a Port Group.
    • VLAN ID is optional.
    • Provide the Network Address.
    • Provide the IP range.
    • Provide the Gateway.
    • DNS is optional.
  10. Click Next
  11. Configure the authentication source.
    Select Local Admin User or Active Directory as LDAP Backend.
  12. Click Next
  13. Review the Configuration Summary and click Finish to add the provider.