You can use the glance-import tool to convert RAW, QCOW2, VDI, and VHD source images to the VMDK format.

You can also use this procedure to import images in the supported OVA and VMDK formats if desired.


  1. Log in to the OpenStack Management Server as viouser.
  2. Log in to the controller node as viouser.
  3. Switch to the root user and load the cloud administrator credentials file.
    sudo su -
    source ~/cloudadmin.rc
  4. Import the image.
    glance-import import --name image-name --url image-url --image-format format
    Parameter Description

    Enter a name for the image file in the image service.


    Enter the URL where the source image is located.


    Specify the format of the source image file. Non-VMDK images are converted automatically to the VMDK format.

    You can use the following formats:
    • VMDK
    • OVA
    • RAW
    • QCOW2
    • VDI
    • VHD

    The task information and status is displayed. Large images might take some time to import. You can run the following command to check the status of the import task:

    glance task-show task-id

What to do next

You can run the glance image-list command to see the name and status of the images in your deployment.

Tenants can launch OpenStack instances using the imported image. For instructions, see Start an OpenStack Instance from an Image.