You install VMware Integrated OpenStack with Kubernetes as a virtual appliance in vSphere. System Requirements Before you deploy VMware Integrated OpenStack with Kubernetes, your system must comply with all hardware, software, networking, and storage requirements. Deploy the VMware Integrated OpenStack with Kubernetes OVA in the vSphere Web ClientVMware Integrated OpenStack with Kubernetes is a vApp that you deploy using a wizard in the vSphere Web Client. Install the Security PatchVMware Integrated OpenStack with Kubernetes 5.1 is potentially affected by CVE-2018-1002105, a critical security vulnerability in Kubernetes. You must install Security Patch 1 to remediate this vulnerability. Upgrade VMware Integrated OpenStack with KubernetesYou run a script to upgrade your VMware Integrated OpenStack with Kubernetes 4.0 deployment to version 4.1.