You can start an instance from an instance snapshot. You can observe OpenStack instances in vSphere as VMs, but you can only manage them in OpenStack.


Verify that you have configured images, flavors, block storage, and networks, and that they are available.


  1. Log in to the VMware Integrated OpenStack dashboard.
  2. Select the project from the drop-down menu in the title bar.
  3. Select Project > Compute > Images.
    The Images page lists the snapshots available to the current user.
  4. In the Actions column of the snapshot, click Launch.
  5. On the Details tab of the Launch Instance dialog box, configure the instance.
    Setting Description
    Availability Zone By default, this value is set to the availability zone that the cloud provider provides, for example, nova.
    Instance Name Assign a name to the VM. This value is a label and is not validated. When you create an instance, a UUID is assigned to the instance. When you view the VM in vSphere, you can identify it by the UUID but not by the instance name.
    Flavor Specify the size of the instance to start. The cloud administrator defines and manages flavors .
    Instance Count To start multiple instances, enter a value greater than 1. The default is 1.
    Instance Boot Source Select Boot from snapshot, and select the snapshot from the list.
  6. On the Access & Security tab of the Launch Instance dialog box, configure access and security parameters by specifying a key pair and security group.
    Setting Description
    Key Pair

    Specify a key pair.

    If the image uses a static root password or a static key set, you do not need to provide a key pair to launch the instance. A best practice is to use a key pair.

    Security Groups

    Select the security groups to assign to the instance.

    Security groups are sets of rules that determine which incoming network traffic is forwarded to instances. If you did not create security groups, you can assign only the default security group to the instance.

  7. On the Networking tab of the Launch Instance dialog box, click the + icon in the Available Networks field to add a network to the instance.
  8. (Optional) On the Post-Creation tab, specify a customization script that runs after the instance starts.
  9. In the Advanced Options tab, select the type of disk partition from the drop-down menu.
    Setting Description
    Automatic The entire disk is a single partition and automatically resizes.
    Manual Enables faster build times but requires manual partitioning.
  10. Click Launch.
    The new instance starts on a node in the Compute cluster.
  11. To view the new instance, select Project > Compute > Instances.
    The Instances tab shows the instance name, its private and public IP addresses, size, status, task, and power state.