Use the viocli enable-tvd command to add NSX-T Data Center networking support to a VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment that was deployed with NSX Data Center for vSphere.


This command will update your custom.yml file or automatically generate a custom.yml file if the file does not exist in your environment. After running the viocli enable-tvd command, do not delete custom.yml or your configuration will be discarded.

The viocli enable-tvd configures the following parameters in your custom.yml file:

  • nsxv3_default_vlan_tz
  • nsxv3_api_managers
  • nsxv3_native_md_proxy
  • nsxv3_ca_file
  • nsxv3_default_overlay_tz
  • neutron_backend
  • nsxv3_default_tier0_router
  • nsxv3_insecure
  • nsxv3_api_username
  • nsxv3_native_dhcp_profile

The viocli enable-tvd command uses the following syntax.

viocli enable-tvd [-d NAME] --nsx-mgr MANAGER-IP --nsx-user USERNAME --nsx-passwd PASSWORD [--nsx-insecure {true | false}] [--nsx-ca-file CA-FILE] [--nsx-overlay-tz OVERLAY-TZ] [--nsx-vlan-tz VLAN-TZ] [--nsx-tier0-rt TIER0-ROUTER] [--nsx-dhcp-profile DHCP-PROFILE] [--nsx-md-proxy MD-PROXY] [--verbose]
Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

-d NAME or --deployment NAME


Name of the deployment to use.

If you do not enter a value, the default deployment is used.

--nsx-mgr MANAGER-IP


IP address of the NSX Manager of your NSX-T Data Center deployment.

--nsx-user USERNAME


User name of the NSX Manager administrator.

--nsx-passwd PASSWORD


Password for the NSX Manager administrator.

--nsx-insecure {true | false}


Specifies whether to verify the certificate of the NSX Manager server.

If you do not include this option, true is used by default.

--nsx-ca-file -CA-FILE


CA bundle files to use in verifying the certificate of the NSX Manager server.

This option is ignored if you include the --nsx-insecure true option.

--nsx-overlay-tz OVERLAY-TZ


Name or UUID of the default NSX-T Data Center overlay transport zone used for creating tunneled isolated Neutron networks.

--nsx-vlan-tz VLAN-TZ


Name or UUID of the default NSX-T Data Center VLAN transport zone used for bridging between Neutron networks if no physical network has been specified.

--nsx-tier0-rt TIER0-ROUTER


Name or UUID of the default tier-0 router used to connect to tier-1 logical routers and configure external networks.

--nsx-dhcp-profile DHCP-PROFILE


Name or UUID of the DHCP server profile used to enable native DHCP service.

You must create the profile in NSX-T Data Center before using the plugin.

--nsx-md-proxy MD-PROXY


Name or UUID of the metadata proxy server used to enable native metadata service.

You must create the proxy server in NSX-T Data Center before using the plugin.



Displays output in verbose mode.

Note: If you do not include the --nsx-ca-file, --nsx-overlay-tz, --nsx-vlan-tz, --nsx-tier0-rt, --nsx-dhcp-profile, or --nsx-md-proxy parameters, the system will attempt to determine the correct information automatically. If the command fails, retry with the parameters included.

You can also run viocli enable-tvd -h or viocli enable-tvd --help to display the parameters for the command.