VMware Integrated OpenStack includes RESTful APIs that you can use to deploy and manage OpenStack.

Before using the APIs, you must authenticate with the OpenStack Management Server API endpoint using the administrator credentials for your vCenter Server instance. To authenticate, make a POST request to https://mgmt-server-ip:8443/login and include username=vcenter-user&password=vcenter-password in the request body.

After authentication, you are granted access to the APIs until the session expires. If using a web browser, you must accept the server certificate to establish a secure channel between the browser and the OpenStack Management Server before you can submit an API request.

For more information about APIs, see the VMware Integrated OpenStack API reference at VMware {code}. If you have installed VMware Integrated OpenStack, you can also view the API specifications at https://mgmt-server-ip:8443/swagger-ui.html.