Use the viocli epops command to manage the End Point Operations Management agent.

End Point Operations Management is a component of VMware vRealize Operations Manager. For more information, see the vRealize Operations Manager Help document for your version.

The viocli epops command supports a variety of actions to perform different tasks. The following parameters apply to all actions.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

-d NAME or --deployment NAME


Name of the deployment to use.

If you do not enter a value, the current deployment is used by default.



Displays output in verbose mode.

You can run viocli epops -h or viocli epops --help to display the parameters for the command. You can also use the -h or --help option on any action to display parameters for the action. For example, viocli epops install -h will show parameters for the install action.

The actions that viocli epops supports are listed as follows.

viocli epops install [-d NAME] -s TGZ-FILE -c PROP-FILE [--verbose]

Installs the End Point Operations Management agent. The following additional parameters apply to the install action.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

-s TGZ-FILE or --source TGZ-FILE


Specifies the local path or URL to the agent installer package.

-c PROP-FILE or --config PROP-FILE


Specifies the local path to the agent configuration file.


viocli epops uninstall [-d NAME] [--verbose]

Uninstalls the End Point Operations Management agent.


viocli epops reconfig [-d NAME] -c PROP-FILE [--verbose]

Updates the configuration of the End Point Operations Management agent. The following additional parameters apply to the reconfig action.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

-c PROP-FILE or --config PROP-FILE


Specifies the local path to the agent configuration file.


viocli epops start [-d NAME] [--verbose]

Starts the End Point Operations Management agent.


viocli epops stop [-d NAME] [--verbose]

Stops the End Point Operations Management agent.