Use the viocli federation command to configure Keystone federated identity in your VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment.

The viocli federation command can perform various actions on identity provider (IdP) metadata, Keystone service providers, and Keystone identity providers. The following parameters apply to all actions on all components.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

-d NAME or --deployment NAME


Name of the deployment to use.

If you do not enter a value, the default deployment is used.

-p or --progress


Shows the progress of the current operation.



Displays output in verbose mode.

You can run viocli federation -h or viocli federation --help to display the parameters for the command. You can also use the -h or --help option on any component or action to display relevant parameters. For example, viocli federation idp-metadata -h will show parameters for the idp-metadata component and viocli federation idp-metadata set -h will show parameters for the set action on that component.

Identity Provider Metadata

The actions that viocli federation supports for identity provider metadata are listed as follows.

viocli federation idp-metadata clear [-d NAME] [-p] [--verbose]

Removes identity provider metadata.


viocli federation idp-metadata set [-d NAME] [-p] [--verbose]

Sets updated identity provider metadata. You are prompted to enter information for the organization and contact person.


viocli federation idp-metadata show [-d NAME] [--json JSON | --pretty PRETTY] [-p] [--verbose]

Displays identity provider metadata. The following additional parameters apply to the show action.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

--json JSON

--pretty PRETTY


Displays output in JSON format or as formatted text.

If you do not enter a value, PRETTY is used when the command is run interactively and JSON is used when the command is run noninteractively.

Note: After updating or removing metadata, you must run the viocli identity configure command to make your changes take effect.


Keystone Service Providers

The actions that viocli federation supports for Keystone service providers are listed as follows.

viocli federation service-provider add [-d NAME] [--type SP-TYPE] [-p] [--verbose]

Adds a service provider. You are prompted to enter Keystone information. The following additional parameters apply to the add action.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

--type SP-TYPE


Specifies the type of service provider to add.


viocli federation service-provider remove [-d NAME] --id SP-ID [-p] [--verbose]

Removes a service provider. The following additional parameters apply to the remove action.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

--id SP-ID


Identifier of the service provider to remove.

You can run the viocli federation service-provider list command to display the identifier of each service provider.


viocli federation service-provider edit [-d NAME] --id SP-ID [-p] [--verbose]

Modifies the configuration of a service provider. The following additional parameters apply to the edit action.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

--id SP-ID


Identifier of the service provider to modify.

You can run the viocli federation service-provider list command to display the identifier of each service provider.


viocli federation service-provider list [-d NAME] [--json JSON | --pretty PRETTY] [-p] [--verbose]

Displays information about all service providers. The following additional parameters apply to the list action.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

--json JSON

--pretty PRETTY


Displays output in JSON format or as formatted text.

If you do not enter a value, PRETTY is used when the command is run interactively and JSON is used when the command is run noninteractively.

viocli federation service-provider show [-d NAME] --id SP-ID [--json JSON | --pretty PRETTY] [-p] [--verbose]

Displays detailed information about a service provider. The following additional parameters apply to the show action.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

--id SP-ID


Identifier of the service provider.

--json JSON

--pretty PRETTY


Displays output in JSON format or as formatted text.

If you do not enter a value, PRETTY is used when the command is run interactively and JSON is used when the command is run noninteractively.


Keystone Identity Providers

The actions that viocli federation supports for Keystone identity providers are listed as follows.

viocli federation identity-provider add [-d NAME] [--type {keystone | saml2 | vidm | openid}] [-p] [--verbose]

Adds a service provider. You are prompted to enter Keystone information. The following additional parameters apply to the add action.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

--type {keystone | saml2 | vidm | openid}


Specifies the type of identity provider to add.

If you do not include this option in the command, you will be prompted to enter a value.


viocli federation identity-provider remove [-d NAME] --id IDP-ID [-p] [--verbose]

Removes an identity provider. The following additional parameters apply to the remove action.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

--id IDP-ID


Identifier of the identity provider to remove.

You can run the viocli federation identity-provider list command to display the identifier of each identity provider.


viocli federation identity-provider edit [-d NAME] --id IDP-ID [-p] [--verbose]

Modifies the configuration of an identity provider. The following additional parameters apply to the edit action.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

--id IDP-ID


Identifier of the identity provider to modify.

You can run the viocli federation identity-provider list command to display the identifier of each identity provider.


viocli federation identity-provider list [-d NAME] [--json JSON | --pretty PRETTY] [-p] [--verbose]

Displays information about all identity providers. The following additional parameters apply to the list action.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

--json JSON

--pretty PRETTY


Displays output in JSON format or as formatted text.

If you do not enter a value, PRETTY is used when the command is run interactively and JSON is used when the command is run noninteractively.


viocli federation identity-provider show [-d NAME] --id IDP-ID [--json JSON | --pretty PRETTY] [-p] [--verbose]

Displays detailed information about an identity provider. The following additional parameters apply to the show action.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

--id IDP-ID


Identifier of the identity provider.

--json JSON

--pretty PRETTY


Displays output in JSON format or as formatted text.

If you do not enter a value, PRETTY is used when the command is run interactively and JSON is used when the command is run noninteractively.