Use the viocli deployment command to manage your VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment.
The viocli deployment command supports a variety of actions to perform different tasks. The following parameters apply to all actions.
Parameter | Mandatory or Optional | Description |
-d NAME or --deployment NAME |
Optional |
Name of the deployment to use. If you do not enter a value, the default deployment is used. |
-p or --progress |
Optional |
Shows the progress of the current operation. |
--verbose |
Optional |
Displays output in verbose mode. |
You can run viocli deployment -h or viocli deployment --help to display the parameters for the command. You can also use the -h or --help option on any action to display parameters for the action. For example, viocli deployment configure -h
will show parameters for the configure
The actions that viocli deployment supports are listed as follows.
viocli deployment start [-d NAME] [-f] [-p] [--verbose]
Starts a deployment. The following additional parameters apply to the start
Parameter | Mandatory or Optional | Description |
-f or --force |
Optional |
Force starts a deployment that is already running. |
viocli deployment stop [-d NAME] [-p] [--verbose]
Stops a deployment.
viocli deployment pause [-d NAME] [-p] [--verbose]
Pauses a deployment.
viocli deployment resume [-d NAME] [-p] [--verbose]
Resumes a paused deployment.
viocli deployment reset_status [-d NAME] [-p] [--verbose]
Resets a deployment to running status.
viocli deployment configure [-d NAME] [--limit {controller | compute | db | memcache}] [--tags TAGS] [-p] [--verbose]
Updates the entire configuration for a deployment. The following additional parameters apply to the configure
Parameter | Mandatory or Optional | Description |
--limit {controller | compute | db | memcache} |
Optional |
Updates the configuration for only the specified component. |
--tags TAGS |
Optional |
Runs only those configuration tasks that are marked with the specified tags. |
viocli deployment post-deploy [-d NAME] [-p] [--verbose]
Updates the post-deployment configuration.
viocli deployment run-custom-playbook [-d NAME] [-p] [--verbose]
Runs the custom Ansible playbook only.
viocli deployment cert-req-create [-d NAME] [-c COUNTRY] [-s STATE] [-l CITY] [-o ORG] [-u ORG-UNIT] [--hostname_list HOST1[,HOST2...]] [-p] [--verbose]
Creates a certificate signing request to send to a certificate authority. The following additional parameters apply to the cert-req-create
Parameter | Mandatory or Optional | Description |
-c COUNTRY or --country_name COUNTRY |
Optional |
Two-letter ISO country code in which the organization applying for the certificate is located. If you do not include this option in the command, you will be prompted to enter a value. |
-s STATE or --state_name STATE |
Optional |
Full name of the state or province. If you do not include this option in the command, you will be prompted to enter a value. |
-l CITY or --locality_name CITY |
Optional |
Name of the town or city. If you do not include this option in the command, you will be prompted to enter a value. |
-o ORG or --organization_name ORG |
Optional |
Legal name of the organization. If you do not include this option in the command, you will be prompted to enter a value. |
-u ORG-UNIT or --organization_unit_name ORG-UNIT |
Optional |
Name of the department or organizational unit. If you do not include this option in the command, you will be prompted to enter a value. |
--hostname_list HOST1[,HOST2...] |
Optional |
List of hostnames, separated with commas. If you do not include this option in the command, you will be prompted to enter a value. |
viocli deployment cert-update [-d NAME] [-f CERT-PATH] [-p] [--verbose]
Updates the certificate used by VMware Integrated OpenStack. The following additional parameters apply to the cert-update
Parameter | Mandatory or Optional | Description |
-f CERT-PATH or --file CERT-PATH |
Optional |
Absolute path to the desired certificate file. The certificate must be in PEM format. |
viocli deployment getlogs [-d NAME] [--node NODE] [-nrl] [--recent-logs] [-p] [--verbose]
Obtains log files for the current deployment, including executed Ansible commands and output. Log files are written to /var/log/viocli/viocli.log and rotated after they reach 100 MB. Only the most recent seven rotations are retained.
The following additional parameters apply to the getlogs
Parameter | Mandatory or Optional | Description |
--node NODE |
Optional |
Obtains log files for the specified nodes only. The following values are supported:
-nrl or --non-rollover-log-only |
Optional |
Collects only those logs that have not been archived. |
--recent-logs |
Optional |
Collects only the log file to which the service process is currently writing. |
viocli deployment default [-d NAME] [-p] [--verbose]
Returns the name of the default deployment.
viocli deployment status [-d NAME] [--period SECONDS] [--format {text | json}] [-p] [--verbose]
Assesses the status of a deployment in terms of the following:
- Synchronization problems between the management server and OpenStack nodes
- Connections to OpenStack processes and average connection count
- Interrupted network connections
- OpenStack database problems
- Missing processes
The following additional parameters apply to the status
Parameter | Mandatory or Optional | Description |
--period SECONDS |
Optional |
Uses data from the specified period (in seconds) only. For example, --period 300 will assess the status of the deployment in the last 5 minutes. |
--format {text | json} |
Optional |
Outputs the status report in the specified format. If you do not enter a value, |