You can enable Designate by modifying the custom.yml file in your environment.


VMware Integrated OpenStack supports Infoblox, Bind9, and PowerDNS back-end servers for Designate. The prerequisites for each type of back-end server are listed as follows.


  • Install the Infoblox back end on a network that is connected to a public network in VMware Integrated OpenStack.
  • Create a user for Designate to use.
  • Create one name server group to serve Designate zones.
    • Set the Designate mDNS servers as external primaries. Set all IP addresses on the eth1 interface of the load balancer node as external primaries.
    • Add a grid member as a grid secondary and select the Lead Secondary option for this member.
    • Add additional grid secondaries as needed.


  • Install the Bind9 back end on a network that is connected to a public network in VMware Integrated OpenStack.
  • Enable rndc addzone or rndc delzone functionality to allow receipt of a NOTIFY message from a non-primary node. Open named.conf.options or named.conf in a text editor and add the following lines under options:
    allow-new-zones yes;
  • Install PowerDNS on a network that is connected to a public network in VMware Integrated OpenStack.
  • Enable the API in the pdns.conf file.


  1. Log in to the VMware Integrated OpenStack dashboard as a cloud administrator.
  2. Select the admin project from the drop-down menu in the title bar.
  3. Log in to the VMware Integrated OpenStack dashboard.
  4. Select your project from the drop-down menu in the title bar.
  5. Log in to the OpenStack Management Server as viouser.
  6. If your deployment is not using a custom.yml file, copy the template custom.yml file to the /opt/vmware/vio/custom directory.
    sudo mkdir -p /opt/vmware/vio/custom
    sudo cp /var/lib/vio/ansible/custom/custom.yml.sample /opt/vmware/vio/custom/custom.yml
  7. Open the /opt/vmware/vio/custom/custom.yml file in a text editor.
  8. Uncomment the designate_enabled, designate_type, designate_dns_server, and designate_dns_port parameters and configure them.
    Option Description

    Enter true.


    Enter infoblox, bind9, or powerdns.


    Enter the IP address of your DNS server.


    Enter the port number for the DNS service.

  9. Uncomment the parameters specific to your back end and configure them.
    • Infoblox back end
      Option Description

      Enter the Infoblox WAPI URL. The default is https://infoblox-server/wapi/wapi-version/.

      Note: The URL must end with a slash (/).

      Enter the password for the Infoblox username.


      Enter the username for Designate to access the Infoblox API.


      Specify the name server group to serve Designate zones.

    • Bind9 back end
      Option Description

      Enter the RNDC server IP address. The default value is the Bind9 server IP address.


      Enter the RNDC port. The default value is 953.


      Enter the contents of the /etc/bind/rndc.key file.

    • PowerDNS back end
      Option Description

      Enter the PowerDNS API endpoint URL. The default value is http://powerdns-server/8081.


      Enter the value of api-key in the /etc/powerdns/pdns.conf file.

  10. Deploy the updated configuration.
    sudo viocli deployment configure

    Deploying the configuration briefly interrupts OpenStack services.

  11. If you are running VMware Integrated OpenStack 5.1, modify the Designate database to prevent duplicate entries.
    This step is not necessary if you have patched your deployment to version
    1. Log in to the active database node and switch to the root user.
      sudo su -
    2. Open the Designate database.
      use designate
    3. Modify the database to prevent duplicate entries.
      ALTER TABLE service_statuses
      ADD UNIQUE (`hostname`, `service_name`);


Your tenants can now create DNS zones using the VMware Integrated OpenStack dashboard. For instructions, see Create a DNS Zone.

What to do next

See the OpenStack Designate CLI documentation for information on how to use Designate.

Important: VMware Integrated OpenStack supports only the v2 API. To perform command-line operations, use the openstack command instead of the designate command.