You can enable Designate by modifying the custom.yml file in your environment.
VMware Integrated OpenStack supports Infoblox, Bind9, and PowerDNS back-end servers for Designate. The prerequisites for each type of back-end server are listed as follows.
- Install the Infoblox back end on a network that is connected to a public network in VMware Integrated OpenStack.
- Create a user for Designate to use.
- Create one name server group to serve Designate zones.
- Set the Designate mDNS servers as external primaries. Set all IP addresses on the eth1 interface of the load balancer node as external primaries.
- Add a grid member as a grid secondary and select the Lead Secondary option for this member.
- Add additional grid secondaries as needed.
- Install the Bind9 back end on a network that is connected to a public network in VMware Integrated OpenStack.
- Enable rndc addzone or rndc delzone functionality to allow receipt of a NOTIFY message from a non-primary node. Open named.conf.options or named.conf in a text editor and add the following lines under options:
allow-new-zones yes; allow-notify{any;};
- Install PowerDNS on a network that is connected to a public network in VMware Integrated OpenStack.
- Enable the API in the pdns.conf file.
Your tenants can now create DNS zones using the VMware Integrated OpenStack dashboard. For instructions, see Create a DNS Zone.
What to do next
See the OpenStack Designate CLI documentation for information on how to use Designate.
VMware Integrated OpenStack supports only the v2 API. To perform command-line operations, use the
openstack command instead of the
designate command.