You verify your OpenStack deployment to ensure that it is functioning properly.


  1. In the vSphere Client, select Menu > VMware Integrated OpenStack and click OpenStack Deployments.
  2. In the Deployment List tab, confirm that the status of your deployment is Running.
  3. Click the name of the deployment and confirm that the status of all nodes is Service Ready.
  4. In a web browser, enter the first IP address in the API access network and confirm that you can access the VMware Integrated OpenStack dashboard.
  5. Log in with the user name and password that you configured during deployment.


If you can successfully perform the preceding actions, this indicates that the OpenStack deployment has been created successfully.

What to do next

You have successfully installed VMware Integrated OpenStack. See Configuring Additional Components and Features to add features and integration to your deployment. See the VMware Integrated OpenStack Administration Guide for information about managing your deployment.