Ceilometer is a component of OpenStack that polls, collects, and publishes OpenStack service data.

The VMware Integrated OpenStack implementation of Ceilometer includes the Aodh, Panko, and Gnocchi projects.

After deploying VMware Integrated OpenStack, you can enable Ceilometer to perform telemetry functions. Enabling or disabling Ceilometer may temporarily affect other OpenStack services.


Ensure that your environment has been prepared for Ceilometer, including five extra contiguous IP addresses on the management network. For other requirements, see the Additional Components section of Hardware Requirements for VMware Integrated OpenStack and the relevant table in Required Network Ports.


  1. In the vSphere Client, select Menu > VMware Integrated OpenStack.
  2. Click OpenStack Deployments and open the Manage tab.
  3. On the Settings tab, click Ceilometer and click Enable.


The virtual machines required by Ceilometer are created and the service is enabled.

If Ceilometer does not enter the enabled state, this indicates that an error occurred. Confirm that your environment meets the hardware requirements for Ceilometer and check /var/log/oms/oms.log on the OpenStack Management Server to determine the nature of the error.

What to do next

If you no longer want to use Ceilometer, you can disable it on this page. This will stop the Ceilometer service and remove all Ceilometer nodes.