Use the deployment wizard to add an OpenStack provider.


Verify that you have the data for provider configuration. See Input Parameters for an OpenStack Provider.


  1. Login to VMware Integrated OpenStack with Kubernetes.
  2. On the Cloud Providers home page, click Deploy a New Provider.
  3. On the Intro page, click Next.
    Alternatively, you can click Choose File to upload a JSON file containing provider information. The information automatically populates fields in the subsequent wizard screens.
  4. Specify the provider name and select the OpenStack provider type. Click Next.
  5. Configure OpenStack authentication.
    • Specify the Keystone Public URL.
    • Specify the username, the password, and the Project name.
    • The Region name and the Domain name are optional.
  6. Specify the image username. VMware Integrated OpenStack with Kubernetes displays a list of image IDs. Select an ID and click Next.
    To search for a particular image name, click the filter icon and type a few letters of the image name.

  7. Select a flavor for the Kubernetes cluster nodes and click Next.
  8. Configure the Neutron networking.
    • NSX-V networking is the default. No special networking information is required.
    • If NSX-T networking is being used, click the NSX-T Networking box and add NSX-T networking information.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Select the Security group and click Next.
  11. Select the External network and click Next.
  12. Select the Internal network and scroll down to select the Subnet ID. Click Next.
  13. Review the Configuration Summary and click Finish to add the provider.