Use the interactive wizard to add a new node profile for your SDDC cloud provider.


Verify that the SDDC cloud provider you deployed is active. See Add a VMware SDDC Cloud Provider.


  1. Login to VMware Integrated OpenStack with Kubernetes.
  2. On the Cloud Providers home page, select an SDDC cloud provider.
  3. On the Node Profiles tab, click +New.
  4. To customize the node profile, enter infrastructure settings.
    Settings are grouped into three categories. In each category, you must specify all or none of the values.
    1. Specify the hardware settings.
      If left unspecified, default values are applied.
      Variable Description
      vCPU The number of vCPUs to be allocated to each cluster node VM. Default value is 2.
      Memory (MB) The memory to be allocated to each cluster node VM. Default value is 4096.
      Disk (GB) The hard disk size to be allocated to each cluster node VM. Default value is 40.
    2. Specify the operating system settings.
      If left unspecified, a default Operating System running Ubuntu 16.04 is used to create the nodes of the cluster.
      Variable Description
      VM Template The VM Template used for the cluster nodes. The VM template must be for a supported cloud-ready operating system.
      VM Template User Used to establish SSH connection with cluster nodes. This user must be able run sudo without a password. For example, the default user for Ubuntu cloud operating systems is ubuntu.
    3. Specify the management network settings.
      If left unspecified, parameters used when creating the VMware SDDC provider are applied. See Input Parameters for an SDDC Provider.
      Variable Description
      Network CIDR Management network address in CIDR format such as
      Management network gateway Gateway IP for the management network
      Management IP Range start Start IP address of the management network allocation IP range.
      Management IP Range end End IP address of the management network allocation IP range.
  5. Click OK.