Use the viocli get command to view the resources in your deployment.

The viocli get command uses the following syntax.

viocli get {resources | resource-type} [resource-name [--history]] [-v]
  • Use the viocli get controllers command to display information about all controllers in your deployment. You can include the -v parameter to display the validation results of the control plane.
  • Use the viocli get deployment command to display detailed information about your deployment, including its overall status, the status of your log analytics integration (if configured), and the status of each node.
  • Use the viocli get resources command to display a list of all resource types in your deployment.
  • Use the viocli get resource-type command to display all resources of a certain type.
  • Use the viocli get resource-type resource-name command to display information about a specific resource.

The following parameters apply to the viocli get command when displaying information about a specific resource.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description



Displays the configuration changes for the specified resource.

-v or --verbose


Displays output in verbose mode.

The following additional parameters apply to the instances resource.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

--nova-state {ERROR | SHUTOFF}


Displays OpenStack instances in the ERROR or SHUTOFF state only.

--vc-state {poweredOn | poweredOff | suspended}


Displays OpenStack instances in the specified state that are powered on, powered off, or suspended in vCenter Server.

You can also run viocli get -h or viocli get --help to display the parameters for the command.