You can use the command line to back up your OpenStack deployment.

Important: The temporary configuration file created in this procedure contains the vCenter Server credentials in plaintext. For security purposes, delete this file after the backup is finished.

The following items are backed up:

  • Configurations for OpenStack components
  • OpenStack control plane database
  • Deployment secrets

For information about backing up Cinder, see Configure the Backup Service for Cinder.


Create a content library in your vCenter Server instance. For information about content libraries, see Using Content Libraries.


  1. Log in to the Integrated OpenStack Manager as the root user.
    ssh root@mgmt-server-ip
  2. In a text editor, create the configuration file for the backup in YAML format.

    Use the following template:

    name: backup-name 
    description: backup-description
       kind: contentLibrary
          name: content-library-name
          hostname: vcserver-fqdn
          username: vcserver-admin
          password: vcserver-password
    Option Description


    Enter a name for the backup. The alphanumeric string can include special characters (-) and (_).


    Enter a description of the backup.


    Enter the name of the Content Library for the backup save.


    Enter the FQDN of the vCenter Server instance containing the content library.


    Enter the username of a vCenter Server administrator.


    Enter the password of the specified vCenter Server administrator.

  3. Create the backup with the configuration file.
    viocli create backup -f <configuration-file>


A backup of your deployment is saved to the content library that you specified in the backup configuration file.