You can configure a port to allow SR-IOV passthrough and then create OpenStack instances that use physical network adapters.

Important: This feature is offered in VMware Integrated OpenStack Carrier Edition only. For more information, see VMware Integrated OpenStack Licensing.


  • Enable SR-IOV in vSphere. See Enable SR-IOV on a Host Physical Adapter in vSphere Networking.
  • Create a dedicated compute cluster for SR-IOV devices. DRS rules do not apply to these devices.
  • To persist the MAC address of a physical device, add its cluster as a compute node before enabling passthrough on the device. If passthrough has already been enabled, you can disable it, restart the cluster, and enable direct passthrough again.
  • Enable VMware Integrated OpenStack Carrier Edition features. See Enable Carrier Edition Features.


  1. Log in to the Integrated OpenStack Manager as the root user.
    ssh root@mgmt-server-ip
  2. Edit the Nova compute configuration.
    viocli update nova-compute
  3. Add the following information in the nova_compute section.
        type: multistring
        - '{"product_id": "*", "vendor_id": "*", "physical_network": "*"}'
  4. If you are using an NSX-T Data Center deployment, add the dvs_moid parameter in the vmware section.
    dvs_moid: sriov-vds-moid
    Set the value of dvs_moid to the managed object identifier (MOID) of the distributed switch associated with the compute cluster for SR-IOV devices.
  5. Open the toolbox and set the password for the admin account.
    export OS_PASSWORD=admin-password
  6. Create a provider network for SR-IOV devices.
    • For NSX Data Center for vSphere deployments, create a VLAN or port group network.
    • For NSX-T Data Center deployments, create a VLAN or opaque network.
    neutron net-create network-name --tenant-id project-uuid --provider:network_type {vlan | portgroup | nsx-net} --provider:physical_network physical-id [--provider:segmentation_id vlan-id]
    Option Description

    Enter a name for the network.


    Specify the UUID of the project for which to create the port. You can find the UUID of a project by running the openstack project list command.


    Enter vlan for a VLAN network, portgroup for a port group network, or nsx-net for an opaque network.

    • For a VLAN network in NSX Data Center for vSphere, specify the MOID of the distributed switch.
    • For a VLAN network in NSX-T Data Center, specify the UUID of the VLAN transport zone.
    • For a port group network, specify the MOID of the port group.
    • For an opaque network, specify the UUID of the logical switch.

    If you want to create a VLAN-based network, enter the VLAN ID.

  7. Create a subnet on the network.
    neutron subnet-create network-id --tenant-id project-uuid --name subnet-name
    Option Description

    Specify the UUID of the network on which to create the subnet. You can find the UUID of a network by running the openstack network list command.


    Specify the UUID of the project for which to create the subnet.


    Enter a name for the subnet.

  8. Create a passthrough-enabled port by using the --vnic_type direct parameter.
    neutron port-create network-id --tenant-id project-uuid --name port-name --vnic_type direct
    Option Description

    Specify the UUID of the network on which to create the port. You can find the UUID of a network by running the openstack network list command.


    Specify the UUID of the project for which to create the port.


    Enter a name for the port.

    Note: Port security is not supported for passthrough-enabled ports and will be automatically disabled for the port created.


You can configure instances with the port created in this procedure to allow them to use SR-IOV devices.