Use the viocli volume-migrate command to migrate resources in your deployment.

The following parameter applies to the viocli volume-migrate command.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

-v or --verbose


Displays output in verbose mode.

You can run viocli volume-migrate -h or viocli volume-migrate --help to display the parameters for the command.

viocli volume-migrate {--volume-ids volume1-uuid... | --source-dc src-dc-name --source-ds src-ds-name] dest-dc-name dest-ds-name [--ignore-storage-policy] [-v]

Migrates unattached Cinder volumes to another datastore.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description


Mandatory if --source-dc and --source-ds are not used.

UUID of the volume that you want to migrate. You can include multiple UUIDs separated by commas (,).

If you want to migrate all volumes from a datastore, use the --source-dc and --source-ds parameters instead of this parameter.

--source-dc src-dc-name

Mandatory if --volume-ids is not used.

Name of the data center containing the volumes that you want to migrate.

This parameter must be used together with the --source-ds parameter. If you want to migrate specified volumes only, do not include this parameter.

--source-ds src-ds-name

Mandatory if --volume-ids is not used.

Name of the datastore containing the volumes that you want to migrate.

This parameter must be used together with the --source-dc parameter. If you want to migrate specified volumes only, do not include this parameter.



Name of the data center that contains the datastore to which you want to migrate volumes.



Name of the datastore to which you want to migrate volumes.



Migrates volumes to the target datastore even if the datastore does not comply with the storage policy of the volume.