If you have deployed VMware Integrated OpenStack with NSX Data Center for vSphere, you can specify an NSX-T Data Center back end for certain projects in your deployment.


  • Deploy VMware Integrated OpenStack with NSX Data Center for vSphere networking.
  • Deploy NSX-T Data Center and obtain the following parameters:
    • IP address of the NSX Manager
    • Username and password to access the NSX Manager
    • Overlay transport zone
    • VLAN transport zone
    • Tier-0 router
    • DHCP profile
    • Metadata proxy server


  1. Create compute clusters for any projects that you want to use NSX-T Data Center and configure those clusters as transport nodes in your NSX-T Data Center environment.
    A compute cluster cannot be part of an NSX Data Center for vSphere and NSX-T Data Center deployment at the same time.
  2. Log in to the Integrated OpenStack Manager as the root user.
    ssh root@mgmt-server-ip
  3. Add the NSX-T Data Center back end to your deployment by enabling TVD.
    viocli add tvd -m manager-ip -u username -p password [--insecure {true | false}] [--overlay-tz overlay-zone] [--vlan-tz vlan-zone] [--tier-0-router t0-router] [--dhcp-profile dhcp-profile] [--md-proxy mdp-server] [--md-proxy-secret mdp-secret]
    Option Description


    Enter the IP address of the NSX Manager of your NSX-T Data Center deployment.


    Enter the user name of the NSX Manager administrator.


    Enter the password for the NSX Manager administrator.

    --nsx-insecure {true | false}

    Specify whether to verify the certificate of the NSX Manager server. The default value is true.


    Enter the name or UUID of the default NSX-T Data Center overlay transport zone used for creating tunneled isolated Neutron networks.


    Enter the name or UUID of the default NSX-T Data Center VLAN transport zone used for bridging between Neutron networks if no physical network has been specified.


    Enter the name or UUID of the default tier-0 router used to connect to tier-1 logical routers and configure external networks.


    Enter the name or UUID of the NSX-T Data Center DHCP server profile used to enable native DHCP service.


    Enter the name or UUID of the NSX-T Data Center metadata proxy server used to enable native metadata service.


    Enter the shared secret for the NSX-T Data Center metadata proxy server.

  4. If you want to continue using NSX Data Center for vSphere for certain existing projects, map those projects to the NSX Data Center for vSphere back end immediately.
    openstack project plugin create project-uuid --plugin nsx-v


Your deployment is connected to your NSX Data Center for vSphere and NSX-T Data Center back ends. By default, all projects use the NSX-T Data Center back end unless you manually map them to the NSX Data Center for vSphere back end.