If you deployed the management network and API access network without DHCP, you can add IP address ranges and change DNS servers after deployment.

You cannot modify networks that use DHCP. Modifying the DNS settings can briefly interrupt the network connection.


  1. Log in to the Integrated OpenStack Manager web interface as the admin user.
  2. In OpenStack Deployment, click the name of your deployment and open the Manage tab.
  3. On the Network tab, select the network that you want to modify.
    • To add an IP address range, select Add IP Range and enter the IP address range that you can add to the network.

      In the dialog box displayed, you can click Add IP Range again for adding multiple IP address ranges at once.

      Important: The Management and the API access networks cannot include more than 100 IP addresses each.
    • To change the DNS servers for new controllers, select Change DNS.
      For example, DNS=
      Note: You can use DNS servers from both the Management and the API networks.
      1. In the dialog box displayed, enter the DNS server for DNS1.
      2. To add new DNS servers to the network, click Add DNS.
      3. Enter the new DNS server for DNS2.
      4. Click OK. You can see that the new DNS server is present on each of the Management and the API networks.
      5. You can use the following command for changing DNS server on existing controllers. New DNS server can be used for new controllers created after this change.
        systemctl restart systemd-resolved
        systemd-resolve --status
      Note: You can use generic DNS server addresses for verifying the configuration changes. DNS servers for both the Management and the API networks are the same and in one line. DNS server from the Management network is at the beginning.
    • To change the DNS servers for the vio manager:
      1. Edit the DNS server setting.

        For example, DNS=

        You can only use the DNS server from the Management network.

      2. Restart the DNS server.
        systemctl restart systemd-resolved
      3. Verify the DNS server status.
        systemd-resolve --status
      4. Delete the coredns pods.
      5. Add the new DNS server to the vio manager.
        ovfenv -k vami.DNS.vio-manager --value <new dns server>

        For example, ovfenv -k vami.DNS.vio-manager --value ",".