Use the viocli generate command to generate a support bundle for your VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment.

The viocli generate command uses the following syntax.

viocli generate supportbundle [--path file-path] [--recent={true | false] [-u] [-v]
Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

--path file-path


Directory to which the support bundle is saved.

If you do not include this parameter, the support bundle is saved to the /var/log directory.

--recent={true | false}


If true, creates VIO logs for the past 24 hours. Default value is false.

-u or --uncompressed


Saves the support bundle as uncompressed files.

If you do not include this parameter, the support bundle is saved as a compressed TAR archive.

-v or --verbose


Displays output in verbose mode.

You can also run viocli generate -h or viocli generate --help to display the parameters for the command.