You can restore your VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment from a backup.

  • The temporary configuration file created in this procedure contains the vCenter Server credentials in plaintext. For security purposes, delete this file after the backup is finished.
  • Do not perform multiple restore operations concurrently. If restore operation is incorrectly configured, wait until the operation fails or times out before trying again.
  • Unless the current database is corrupted, or there exists other paramount reasons that requires an earlier version, the current database should be backed up and used for restoration for the control plane. Restoration from an earlier version of backup could cause potential data loss.


  • Verify that you have a backup available. See Back Up Your Deployment or Scheduled Backup.
  • If you are not performing an upgrade, verify that the VMware Integrated OpenStack versions are identical for restore and backup operations.


  1. Log in to the Integrated OpenStack Manager as the root user.
    ssh root@mgmt-server-ip
  2. In a text editor, create the restoration configuration file in YAML format.
    • If you want to restore your VMware Integrated OpenStack on an existing control plane, use the following template:

      name: backup-file-name
      description: restore-description
         kind: contentLibrary
            name: content-library-name
      datastore: control-plane-storage

      The parameters are described as follows.

      Option Description


      Enter the name of the backup file to restore.


      Enter a description for the restoration task.


      Enter the name of the content library containing the backup file.


      (Optional) Enter the name of a datastore on which to store control plane information.

      To restore your deployment on an existing control plane using GUI, you can perform the following steps:
      • Log in to the Integrated OpenStack Manageras the admin user.
      • In the OpenStack Deployment, click the name of your deployment and open the Manage tab.
      • On the Settings tab, click Backup and then choose the backup and click Restore.
    • If you want to restore your VMware Integrated OpenStack on a new control plane, use the following template:

        - networkName: mgmt-network-name
          type: management
            - mgmt-ip-range-begin, mgmt-ip-range-end
            netmask: mgmt-subnet-mask
            gateway: mgmt-gateway-address
            - mgmt-dns-server
        - networkName: api-network-name
          type: api
            - api-ip-range-begin, api-ip-range-end
            netmask: api-subnet-mask
            gateway: api-gateway-address
            - api-dns-server
        - networkName: trunk-network-name
          type: dvs_trunk_network
            - trunk-ip-range-begin, trunk-ip-range-end
      datacenter: datacenter-name
      datastore: datastore-name
      resourcePool: resource-pool-name
      count: controller-count
      size: controller-size
      name: backup-file-name
      description: restore-description
         kind: contentLibrary
            name: content-library-name
      datastore: control-plane-storage

      The parameters are described as follows.

      Table 1. Management Network Configuration
      Option Description


      Enter the name of the management network.

      You can also use the GUI to restore your OpenStack deployment on a new control plane. For more information, see Restore OpenStack Deployment.

      If your management network uses static IP addresses instead of DHCP, enter the following values. These values are not required for DHCP networks.

      Option Description

      mgmt-ip-range-begin, mgmt-ip-range-end

      Enter the IP address ranges on your management network in dotted-decimal format, separated by commas. For example,,


      Enter the subnet mask for the management network.


      Enter the IP address of the network gateway for the management network.


      Enter the IP address of one or more DNS servers for the management network. Enter each IP address on a separate line. For example:



      Table 2. API Access Network Configuration
      Option Description


      Enter the name of the API access network.

      If your API access network uses static IP addresses instead of DHCP, enter the following values. These values are not required for DHCP networks.

      Option Description

      api-ip-range-begin, api-ip-range-end

      Enter the IP address ranges on your API access network in dotted-decimal format, separated by commas. For example,,


      Enter the subnet mask for the API access network.


      Enter the IP address of the network gateway for the API access network.


      Enter the IP address of one or more DNS servers for the API access network. Enter each IP address on a separate line. For example:



      If your deployment uses VDS networking, enter the following values. These values is not required for NSX deployments.

      Table 3. Trunk Network Configuration
      Option Description


      Enter the name of the trunk network.

      trunk-ip-range-begin, trunk-ip-range-end

      Enter the IP address ranges on your trunk network in dotted-decimal format, separated by commas. For example,,

      Enter the following information for all deployment types.

      Table 4. Control Plane Configuration
      Option Description


      Enter the name of the vSphere data center in which to create the VMware Integrated OpenStack control plane.


      Enter the name of the datastore for the VMware Integrated OpenStack control plane.


      Enter the name of the resource pool for the VMware Integrated OpenStack control plane.


      Specify the number of controllers to create.


      Specify the size of the controllers. The following values are accepted:

      • small (4 vCPUs and 16 GB of RAM)
      • medium (8 vCPUs and 32 GB of RAM)
      • large (12 vCPUs and 32 GB of RAM)
      Table 5. Backup Configuration
      Option Description


      Enter the name of the backup file to restore.


      Enter a description for the restoration task.


      Enter the name of the content library containing the backup file.

      If your content library and VMware Integrated OpenStack are located in separate vCenter Server instances, enter the configuration for the vCenter Server instance containing the content library. The following values are not required if your content library and control plane are located in the same vCenter Server instance.

      Table 6. Content Library Configuration
      Option Description


      (Optional) Enter the name of a datastore on which to store control plane information.

  3. Specify the vCenter Server for the VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment restoration.
    viocli create vcenter --vc_hostname <host> --vc_password <password> --vc_username <user>
    Or use an alias for the Kubernetes command-line utility to get the vCenter Server from the deployment.
    osctl get vcenter
  4. Restore your deployment with the configuration file, specifying the destination vCenter Server where you want to restore the deployment.
    viocli restore deployment -f <configuration-file> --destination-vcenter=<vcenter-name> [--skip-control-plane] [--content-vcenter=<vcenter-name>]

    If the --skip-control-plane flag is set, restore your deployment by including the vCenter Server that contains the backup file for restoring.

    viocli restore deployment -f <configuration-file> --destination-vcenter=<vcenter-name> --skip-control-plane --content-vcenter=<vcenter-name>
    If restore is successful, the message appears as: download completed, prepare running, and restore succeeded.


The OpenStack deployment is restored to the state of the backup.

Note: Because you use restoration function for deployment upgrade, you cannot restore the VMware Integrated OpenStack license and CA-signed certificate in the new deployment from the old deployment.
  1. For restoring a certificate, you must resign and reapply for a certificate after restoration. Or you must perform the following steps:
    1. Save the certs secret from the original deployment.
      osctl get secret certs -oyaml > certs.yaml
    2. After restoration, in the new VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment, replace the private_key and the vio_certificate value in certs secret with the data from the previous step.
    3. Stop and start services with viocli.
  2. For restoring license, see Assign the VMware Integrated OpenStack License Key.