Your upgrade path to VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.2 depends upon the version that you are migrating from.

To upgrade from VMware Integrated OpenStack 6.0 to VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.2, you follow instructions to Upgrade VMware Integrated OpenStack 6.x to 7.2.

To upgrade to VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.2, you follow instructions to Apply the VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.2 Patch to your VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.2 OVA.

Before starting any upgrade, verify that your environment meets the requirements for VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.2. See Hardware Requirements for VMware Integrated OpenStack and Software Requirements for VMware Integrated OpenStack.

If you have enabled Ceilometer, verify that the CPUs on the ESXi host support Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX). If AVX is not supported, disable Ceilometer before upgrading.

Note the following differences between a new VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.2 deployment and a deployment that has been upgraded from a previous version:

  • The OpenStack region name of a new VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.2 deployment is RegionOne. The OpenStack region name of an upgraded deployment is nova.
  • The names of Nova compute nodes in a new VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.2 deployment are in the following format: compute-vcenter-id-cluster-moid. The names of Nova compute nodes in an upgraded deployment are in the following format: nova-compute-number. After the deployment is upgraded, new Nova compute nodes use the new naming format, including nodes that are deleted and recreated.
  • A new VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.2 deployment includes the service and default domains only. The service domain contains accounts used by OpenStack services, and the Default domain contains accounts used by OpenStack users, including the admin account. An upgraded deployment also contains the local domain for backward compatibility.