You can add nodes to scale out your Swift cluster.

Important: In VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.3, Swift is provided as a technical preview only. Running production workloads is not currently supported.

The nodes in a Swift cluster cannot be deleted. If you want to remove nodes from your cluster, you must delete the entire cluster and create it again.


Deploy Swift. See Create the Swift Cluster.


  1. Log in to the Integrated OpenStack Manager as the root user.
    ssh root@mgmt-server-ip
  2. Add a node to your cluster.
    viocli add swiftnode --name node-name --datastore node-datastore --zone node-zone --disk-size node-disksize-gb
    Option Description


    Enter a name for the Swift node. The name of each node must be unique.


    Enter the name of the datastore for the node.

    Only shared datastores (vSAN or NFS) are supported. Swift nodes cannot be created on local datastores.


    Enter the Swift zone number for the node. The zone number must be an integer.


    Enter the desired disk size in gigabytes.