With orchestration stacks, you can launch and manage multiple composite cloud applications.


Create the orchestration template for your stack. For more information, see Template Guide in the OpenStack documentation.


  1. Log in to the VMware Integrated OpenStack dashboard.
  2. Select your project from the drop-down menu in the title bar.
  3. Select Project > Orchestration > Stacks.
  4. Click Launch Stack and enter your orchestration template.
    Option Description
    Template Source

    Select File, Direct Input, or URL.

    • If you select File, click Choose File and upload your orchestration template.
    • If you select Direct Input, enter your orchestration template in the Template Data field.
    • If you select URL, enter the URL where your orchestration template is located.
    Environment Source

    Select File or Direct Input.

    • If you select File, click Choose File and upload your environment file.
    • If you select Direct Input, enter your environment file in the Environment Data field.
  5. Click Next and enter the configuration for your stack.
    Option Description
    Stack Name

    Enter a name for the stack.

    Creation Timeout (minutes)

    Enter the time in minutes after which stack creation will time out.

    Rollback on Failure

    Select the check box to roll back changes if the stack fails to launch.

    Password for user "admin"

    Enter the password for the admin user. This password is required to perform orchestration operations.

  6. Click Launch.

What to do next

In the Actions column, you can suspend, resume, or delete your stack. You can also validate the stack or change its orchestration template and environment file.