You can import virtual machines to a non-default domain from vSphere into your VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment and manage them like OpenStack instances.

This procedure applies to deployments with a non-default domain. For NSX-T Data Center deployments, see VMware Integrated OpenStack with NSX-T Data Center.

The following conditions apply to imported virtual machines:
  • If a virtual machine has multiple disks, the disks are imported as Cinder volumes.
  • After importing a virtual machine with a specific network backing, you cannot use the same network to import a different project. If you want to use a network for multiple projects, configure the provider VLAN (Virtual LAN) network as the shared network.

You import virtual machines using the Data Center Command-Line Interface (DCLI) in the Integrated OpenStack Manager toolbox.


Verify that the virtual machines that you want to import are in the same vCenter Server instance.


  1. To import virtual machines to a non-default domain, you must create a user with admin role and project in this domain and set the default_tenant_domain_name parameter in the vioshim pod.
    viocli update vioshim
          default_tenant_domain_name: domain name

    To verify, you can login to the following pod.

    osctl exec -it vioadmin1-vioshim-xxxxxxx-xxxx -c vioshim bash

    To check the content of /etc/viocli/viocli.conf, you can see the following line:

    default_tenant_domain_name = domain-name
  2. Export new OpenStack credential in the toolbox. The default OpenStack credential is defined in toolbox, you must replace with the new credential created in Step 1.
    export OS_PROJECT_NAME=project name 
    export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=domain name
    export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=domain name
    export OS_USERNAME=user name
  3. To know more about further steps, please refer to VMware Integrated OpenStack with NSX Data Center for vSphere and VMware Integrated OpenStack with NSX-T Data Center.


The specified virtual machines are imported into your OpenStack deployment and can be managed as OpenStack instances.