You can use the command line to back up your OpenStack deployment.

You can see the following items being backed up:

  • Configurations for OpenStack components.
  • OpenStack control plane database.
  • Deployment secrets.
  • Note: For information about backing up Cinder, see Cinder Volume Backup.
To back up your deployment using GUI, you can perform the following steps:
  • Log in to the Integrated OpenStack Manager as the admin user.
  • In the OpenStack Deployment, click the name of your deployment and open the Manage tab.
  • On the Settings tab, click Backup.


Create a content library in your vCenter Server instance. For information about content libraries, see Using Content Libraries.


  1. Log in to the Integrated OpenStack Manager as the root user.
    ssh root@mgmt-server-ip
  2. In a text editor, create the configuration file for the backup in YAML format.

    Use the following template:

    name: backup-name 
    description: backup-description
       kind: contentLibrary
          name: content-library-name
    Option Description


    Enter a name for the backup. The alphanumeric string can include special characters (-) and (_).


    Enter a description of the backup.


    Enter the name of the Content Library for the backup save.

  3. Specify the vCenter Server for the backup.
    viocli create vcenter --vc_hostname <hostname> --vc_password <password> --vc_username <username>
    Or use an alias for the Kubernetes command-line utility to get the vCenter Server from the deployment.
    osctl get vcenter
  4. Create the backup with the configuration file and the vCenter Server.
    viocli create backup -f <configuration-file> --content-vcenter <vcenter-name>


A backup of your deployment is saved to the content library that you specified in the backup configuration file.
Note: You can trigger only one backup at the same time.