You can configure your deployment to be automatically backed up on a regular schedule.

You can see the following items being backed up:

  • Configurations for OpenStack components.
  • OpenStack control plane database.
  • Deployment secrets.
Note: For information about backing up Cinder, see Cinder Volume Backup.
To create a scheduled backup of your deployment using GUI, you can perform the following steps:
  • Log in to the Integrated OpenStack Manageras the admin user.
  • In the OpenStack Deployment, click the name of your deployment and open the Manage tab.
  • On the Settings tab, click Backup Schedule.


Create a content library in your vCenter Server instance. For information about content libraries, see Using Content Libraries.


  1. Log in to the Integrated OpenStack Manager as the root user.
    ssh root@mgmt-server-ip
  2. In a text editor, create the configuration file for the scheduled backup in YAML format.

    Use the following template:

    namePrefix: backup-name-prefix
    description: backup-description
    backupSchedule: backup-schedule
      maximumNumberOfBackup: max-backups
       kind: contentLibrary
    Option Description


    Enter a prefix for the backup files. The alphanumeric string can include the special character (-).


    Enter a description of the backup.


    Specify the backup schedule as a five-field cron expression. For example, enter "5 0 * * *" to back up every day at 00:05.


    The maximum number of backups to retain. Enter an integer greater than 0.


    Enter the name of the Content Library for the backup save.

  3. Specify the vCenter Server for the scheduled backup.
    viocli create vcenter --vc_hostname <hostname> --vc_password <password> --vc_username <username>
    Or use an alias for the Kubernetes command-line utility to get the vCenter Server from the deployment.
    osctl get vcenter
  4. Create the backup task with the configuration file and the vCenter Server.
    viocli create backupschedule -f <configuration-file> --content-vcenter <vcenter-name>

    The backup task is created, and backups of your deployment are saved to the content library according to the specified schedule.

  5. Verify the backup schedule.
    viocli get backupschedule

    Detail information about the backup cronjob is present in the output when you check scheduled backups.

    Example output:
    SCHEDULE NAME       STATUS    CREATION DATE                  NAME PREFIX   MAX BACKUPS RETAINED   KIND             LOCATION                          DESCRIPTION
    backupschedule322   Unknown   Wed Jun 17 13:53:42 UTC 2020   vio7-backup   2                      ContentLibrary   Backups for VIO7 deployment
  6. To change the configurations of a scheduled backup, perform the following:
    1. Edit the backup schedule.
      osctl edit backupschedule <backup_schedule_name>
    2. If you want to change backupSchedule frequency, change backupSchedule field under spec to target frequency.
        backupSchedule: <target-frequency>
    3. If you want to change retentionPolicy, change maximumNumberOfBackup field under spec to target number.
          maximumNumberOfBackup: <target-num>
    4. If you want to change content library name, change name field under contentLibrary to target name.
            name: <target-contentLibrary-name>
          kind: contentLibrary
    5. Save the change and exit.
    Note: Do not change any other field not mentioned here.


To delete a scheduled backup: viocli delete backupschedule <backup_schedule_name>.

Delete the command using the schedule name from the example: viocli delete backupschedule backupschedule322.